I offer two 60 minute support sessions on the first Sunday of every month
Attendees are usually parents who have lost a baby in the mid-late stages of pregnancy, during birth or in the first year of life.
However, you are welcome if your loss is earlier or later too.
The aim of the group is to provide emotional support, it is not a therapy group.
The groups are a really gentle and safe space to be with others who understand your
devastating loss and want to talk about their baby.
Each week we will discuss topics that are important and timely to attendees.
For example, how the past month has been, upcoming significant events, milestones,
support/understanding from others.I will also provide a theme for each group to give a focus, where helpful.
Attendees often support each other and share useful tips for coping with their grief.
You can also ask questions to other group members or to Kara directly.
Attendees frequently report feeling comforted and less isolated after coming along.
The groups take place virtually, over Zoom.
However, there’s no pressure to have your
camera or microphone on. It’s ok to simply listen or type in the chat box when you want to speak if you’d prefer.
Baby Loss Group
Each Sunday at 7.30 pm
This group is for anyone who has lost a baby in the mid to late stages of pregnancy, or after birth*.
Attendees in this group are asked not to talk about trying again or other children (where possible) to be sensitive to anyone who would find this triggering.
*I want to highlight that I know first hard how devastating and in many cases traumatic, first trimester losses can be, just like second and third trimester losses. The reason for the differentiation in who the groups are aimed at is that I have found that when there are first trimester and later loss attendees come together it can result in all attendees feeling uncomfortable sharing their experiences, i.e. some people may fear increasing anxiety for other attendees, other people may hear about later losses and become anxious that they will experience it too. Consequently, in my experience the miscarriage association support groups are usually a better fit for anyone who has experienced a first trimester loss or losses. Please know that I am not minimising your loss or distress in anyway though.
Pregnancy After Loss Group
The 8.30pm group (for those wanting to discuss trying again, their rainbow pregnancy and or parenting their rainbow)
This group is for anyone trying to conceive again after a loss, who is pregnant again after a loss or who is adjusting to the challenges of parenting after loss. It is a space to discuss hopes, fears and coping in a supportive community of others who get it!
If you would like me to email you with the Zoom link details and a reminder each month, add your email by filling in this form:
For more about the services Kara offers and to click to access her free resources
For more information about booking a corporate webinar or training regarding fertility or loss, click here to visit my coaching website
Click here for more information about Kara’s infertility and baby loss membership.
For any enquiries, you can email Kara directly on - kara@karaclinicalpsychologistinsussex.co.uk
(C) Supporting The Silent Struggle 2025